Director Jan Schmidt managed to shoot his entire “prehistoric” trilogy within the year of 1977. Volání rodu is the final film in the series of three, based on the books of writer Eduard Štorch and the screenplays of Milan Pavlík. The first of the motion pictures to be released was Osada Havranů (The Ravens’ Stronghold), while the second to hit cinemas was Na Veliké řece (On the Big River). In the final instalment, the boy Havranpírko, or “Little Raven Feather” (Ludvík Hradílek), and his friend, the brave hunter Sokol, or “Falcon” (Jiří Bartoška), must save Falcon's girlfriend Šťastná Chvíle, or “Happy Moment”, from death's jaws. The girl is in jeopardy after it is noticed that she is the only member of the Fishermen clan not to have been infected by a contagious disease. Her relatives deduce from this that she must be a witch who cannot be allowed to live. The Raven clan also refuses to accept the girl, so Havranpírko, Sokol and Šťastná Chvíle set off on a journey to find a new home. They find that home with the clan of Shepherds – and with that they have the chance to give up their wandering existence as hunters… Gabriela Osvaldová (Šťastná Chvíle) and Milena Janderová (Rosnička, or “Tree Frog”) also appear in Schmidt's family adventure feature.
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