Welcome a Guest, and you Welcome God

Gina Hašler, 1942

Distribution media

Medium Duration Subtitles
35 mm 84 min

About the film distribution

The film uses footage from the Matejska pilgrimage.
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Film data

About a film

Production year 1942
Countries Czechoslovakia
Categories film
Genres comedy
Form feature
Duration 84 min
Director Gina Hašler
Cast Jindřich Plachta, Ladislav Pešek, Svatopluk Beneš, Jára Kohout, Zdeňka Baldová
Director of photography Václav Hanuš
Screenplay Josef Mach, Vladimír Čech
Editor Jan Kohout
Production designer Jiří Dušek
Music Miloš Smatek
Sound designer Antonín Rambousek