In the Flames of Passion of Royal Love

Jan Němec, 1990


Ladislav Klíma’s peculiar romanetto Utrpení knížete Sternenhocha (Prince Sternenhoch’s Misery, 1928) served as inspiration for this feature film, directed by Jan Němec in 1990, following his return to Czechoslovakia from exile. The writer-director of such 1960s New Wave classics Démanty noci (Diamonds of the Night, 1964) and O slavnosti a hostech (The Party and the Guests, 1966), creates a poignant post-modern tale about a stormy romantic affair between a decadent prince (played by musician Vilém Čok) and the daughter of a demoted army officer (Ivana Chýlková). Němec sets this colourful tale of irresistible attraction between two contradictory characters in an unspecified near future. Details about the royal family in question are also deliberately vague. Graphic designer Michael Rittstein incorporates elements of contemporary Czechoslovakia into his futuristic aesthetic. Garnering a mixed reception from audiences, the film nonetheless boasts an attractive cast. Pavel Landovský plays the heroine’s father – the actor also having recently returned from exile.
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Film data

About a film

Production year 1990
Countries Czechoslovakia
Categories film
Genres comedy, black comedy
Form feature
Duration 87 min
Director Jan Němec
Cast Ivana Chýlková, Vilém Čok, Boleslav Polívka, Jiří Bartoška, Josef Abrhám, Pavel Landovský
Director of photography Jiří Macháně
Screenplay Jan Němec
Editor Alois Fišárek, Michal Lánský
Production designer Vladimír Labský
Music Jan Hammer ml.
Sound designer Ivo Špalj, Karel Martínek