In 1986, director Vít Olmer created a highly popular yet uncompromising depiction of the gloomy realities of the “normalisation” era. Young widower Antony (Antonín Paleček) is the protagonist of this psychological drama with social undertones. After suffering the tragic death of his first wife, he is pursuing the dream of a happy family life with his new spouse Marta, but it is all in vain... He is resolved to be a good father to his little daughter and he aspires to lead an honest life – but those around him, including Marta, have no understanding at all for his endeavours.
The down-to-earth narrative, delivered in a special, dynamic visual style, was an opportunity for the lesser known actor Luboš Veselý – usually seen on stage – to excel in the lead role. Veronika Jeníková, who played the part of Marta, took on an almost antithetical role a year later when starring as prostitute T-Shirt Eve in Olmer’s tragicomedy about racketeers pulling scams with foreign currencies, Bony a klid (Big Money).
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