Hubert, the Smart Boy

Ivo Novák, 1984

Distribution media

Medium Duration Subtitles
35 mm 86 min English
DCP 86 min

About the film distribution

The part of the valet Franc was initially assigned to Jiří Sovák. When he withdrew due to illness, the part was taken over by Lubomír Lipský.
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Film data

About a film

Production year 1984
Countries Czechoslovakia
Categories film
Genres comedy
Form feature
Duration 86 min
Director Ivo Novák
Cast Karel Heřmánek, Petr Kostka, Pavel Zedníček, Pavel Nový, Zora Ulla Keslerová
Director of photography Richard Valenta
Screenplay Pavel Hanuš, Ivo Novák
Editor Ivana Kačírková
Production designer Jozef Hrabušický
Music Petr Hapka
Sound designer František Fabián