Focusing on the Turquoise Mountain

Ivo Toman, Najdangín Njamdavá, 1977

Film at Filmový přehled


The existence of cooperative agreements between film studios in communist countries gave rise from time to time to the obligatory creation of coproduced motion pictures filmed in exotic locations. For the adventure story Ve znamení Tyrkysové hory (Focusing on the Turquoise Mountain, 1977), politically reliable director Ivo Toman travelled to faraway Mongolia to make a film about a (fictional) joint expedition of local and Czechoslovak geologists. The expedition searches for copper ore deposits in remote mountainous regions. In the face of continued failure, Professor Pudil (Josef Langmiler) decides to draw inspiration from the local legend of the Turquoise Mountain. However, the idea that copper deposits are usually located where turquoise is found runs contrary to the opinion of Pudil’s colleague Mareš (Karel Hlušička). The doubter Mareš is eventually forced to admit defeat… The film is worth seeing mainly for its footage of beautiful Mongolian landscapes, recorded by seasoned camera operator Josef Illík.
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Film data

About a film

Production year 1977
Countries Czechoslovakia, Mongolia
Categories film
Genres adventure, comedy
Form feature
Duration 84 min
Director Ivo Toman, Najdangín Njamdavá
Cast Josef Langmiler, Dagva-Očiryn Elbegsajchan, Karel Hlušička, Dž. Dzanabadzar, Josef Větrovec
Director of photography Josef Illík
Screenplay Karel Cop, Sormúniršín Dašdórov
Editor Miroslav Hájek
Production designer Aleš Voleman, Pürevín Cogdzol
Music Jiří Srnka, Luvsandžambyn Mördordž
Sound designer Jiří Hora, Begdzdžavín Bajanbat