This 1976 family film jointly directed by Dimitrij Plichta and seasoned colleague Josef Pinkava was the final addition to Plichta’s filmography, at the time a 64-year old documentary maker and occasional live-action filmmaker. The title character of this film is a small female chimp, named Tereza, brought home by Dr. Tesař from an exotic trip abroad. The animal is unhappy in a cage at Prague Zoo, so Tesař takes her home. Both Tesař’s sons are excited about the new arrival, but their jealous friend Pepík resolves to steal the primate. But it soon transpires that Tereza has special needs that the boy cannot accommodate… The adult roles in this merry tale about love for animals go to Luděk Munzar and Jana Hlaváčová (as Dr. Tesař and his wife). The children’s roles include Roman Čada and Michal Suchánek.
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