Woman in Every Room

Jaroslav Balík, 1974

Film at Filmový přehled


In 1974, director Jaroslav Balík decided to relate the stories found within Prague’s Ženské domovy [note: women’s home for working single women]. Balík was assisted in adapting the tales he heard from women of all ages and backgrounds by author and screenwriter Jan Otčenášek. The lives of the inhabitants of the women’s home are all linked by a common desire to find a partner: Jiřina has managed to marry, but her protégé, salesgirl Soňa, bemoans her friend’s departure from the facility. Marriage poses a problem for Zuzana, too, as she is seeing married man Richard. A new arrival in the home, Vlasta, tries in vain to rekindle a relationship with her husband, who has recently returned from exile. It seems that only trade union official Anežka has a chance at a secure relationship. The film’s protagonists assist each other in overcoming their respective issues. The large female cast offered director Balík the opportunity to feature a number of talented actresses, including Marta Vančurová, Ida Rapaičová, Marie Rosůlková and Hana Maciuchová.
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Film data

About a film

Production year 1974
Countries Czechoslovakia
Categories film
Genres narrative
Form feature
Duration 99 min
Director Jaroslav Balík
Cast Ida Rapaičová, Antonie Hegerliková, Hana Maciuchová, Marta Vančurová, Eva Svobodová, Marie Rosůlková
Director of photography Jiří Macháně
Screenplay Jaroslav Balík, Jan Otčenášek
Editor Jiřina Lukešová
Production designer Zbyněk Hloch
Music Karel Mareš
Sound designer Roman Hloch