Funeral Ceremonies

Zdenek Sirový, 1969

Distribution media

Medium Duration Subtitles
35 mm 68 min English, French

About the film distribution

The first copy was completed on September 24, 1969, but the film was not approved for distribution. The première was not until 1990. The first public screening was on the 16th of November 1989 at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy of Charles University in Prague.
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Film data

About a film

Production year 1969
Countries Czechoslovakia
Categories film
Genres drama, psychological
Form feature
Duration 68 min
Director Zdenek Sirový
Cast Jaroslava Tichá, Ľudovít Kroner, Josef Somr, Jana Vychodilová, Ludmila Roubíková, Jan Kühnmund
Director of photography Jiří Macháně
Screenplay Eva Kantůrková, Zdenek Sirový
Editor Jan Chaloupek
Production designer Karel Černý
Music Jiří Kalach
Sound designer Roman Hloch