Mystery of the Blue Room

Miroslav Cikán, Karel Hašler, 1933

Distribution media

Medium Duration Subtitles
35 mm 72 min

About the film distribution

The film was shot after the German film Geheimnis des blauen Zimmers, that was directed in 1932 in Germany by Erich Engels.
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Film data

About a film

Production year 1933
Countries Czechoslovakia
Categories film
Genres detective
Form feature
Duration 72 min
Director Miroslav Cikán, Karel Hašler
Cast Karel Hašler, František Smolík, Jiřina Šejbalová, Bedřich Vrbský, František Kovářík, Jan Sviták
Director of photography Jan Stallich
Screenplay Karel Hašler
Editor Antonín Zelenka
Production designer Štěpán Kopecký
Music Karel Hašler, Heinz Letton
Sound designer Bedřich Poledník