Sky under My Feet

Milan Růžička, 1983

Film at Filmový přehled


Director Milan Růžička is most visibly associated with the popular comedy Trhala fialky dynamitem (Cutting Violets with Dynamite, 1992) and the early days of the TV series Ulice (Street). But from 1960 to 1972, Růžička worked as an assistant director, screenwriter and director for Československé studio armádního filmu (Czechoslovak Army Film Studio) where he made more than 40 documentaries. He was also the screenwriter for a rather slanted drama dealing with air defence issues Vysoká modrá zeď (The High Blue Wall, 1973), set in the 1950s. The drama Pod nohama nebe (Sky under My Feet, 1983), an unwitting predecessor to the Hollywood blockbuster Top Gun (1986), also takes place among army pilots. The main protagonist of the narrative is rookie pilot Olda Raška who is prevented from the faultless performance of his duties by an emotional crisis. With the help of his understanding superiors he is able to overcome his personal issues. The lead role in this professionally made film with engaging aerial footage is delivered by Ondřej Pavelka.
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Film data

About a film

Production year 1983
Countries Czechoslovakia
Categories film
Genres psychological
Form feature
Duration 92 min
Director Milan Růžička
Cast Luděk Munzar, Ondřej Pavelka, Markéta Fišerová, Ondřej Havelka, Ladislav Mrkvička
Director of photography Andrej Barla, Jiří Krob, mjr. Josef Kaštánek
Screenplay plk. Ing. Josef Pavlík, Milan Růžička
Editor Zdeněk Stehlík
Production designer Jaroslav Krška
Music Jiří F. Svoboda
Sound designer Roman Hloch