The young protagonist of this 1981 family comedy is nicknamed after the hero of the famous 1970s Czechoslovak TV series 30 případů majora Zemana (Thirty Cases of Major Zeman). Fifteen-year-old Láďa Zeman, known to everyone in the small border town where he lives as “major” has a passion for detective stories. Together with his friend Janouch, he gets a chance to prove his detective abilities when he discovers that an Austrian who has come to the local pigeon show is really a diamond smuggler... This children’s adventure story, directed by Jiří Hanibal, stars Michal Hofbauer as the young Láďa. The popular child actor often cooperated with director Jindřich Polák, who cast him in the 1970s Pan Tau (Tau) TV series and in the Lucie, postrach ulice (Lucy, Terror of the Street, 1980) TV adventure. The then 19-year-old Ondřej Vetchý appears in one of his first film roles.
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