This Is How Love Begins...

Hynek Bočan, 1975

Film at Filmový přehled


In 1975, director Hynek Bočan took the helm for this light-hearted anthology picture, which relates the trials and tribulations of the world of apprenticeships. In 1968, Bočan shocked audiences with his uncompromising drama on delinquent youth, Pasťák (Borstal, 1968), which caused him countless professional problems amidst the ascendant “normalisation” climate. Now, under the tight reign of regime “story editors”, he was offered the opportunity to direct this light-hearted idealistic tale. The first segment is called Trápení ďáblova učedníka (Torment of Devil’s Apprentice) and sees timid workshop apprentice Čeněk (Martin Nezval) becoming romantically entangled with the daughter (Lenka Kořínková) of his boss. The next segment, entitled Smím prosit, Helenko? (May I Have the Pleasure of this Dance, Helenka?) tells the story of young Dušan (Martin Stropnický), who lets his training slip in favour of his unofficial car repair activities. Change only comes to the apprentice’s life after he encounters charming colleague Helena (Dagmar Veškrnová). In the overarching spirit of the film, the two stories ultimately come together by way of an apprentices' ball.
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Film data

About a film

Production year 1975
Countries Czechoslovakia
Categories short story film
Genres short-story
Form feature
Duration 94 min
Director Hynek Bočan
Cast Lenka Kořínková, Martin Nezval, Dagmar Veškrnová, Vlastimil Brodský, Vladimír Menšík, Jana Hlaváčová
Director of photography Jaromír Šofr
Screenplay Zdeněk Mahler, Gustav Oplustil
Editor Zdeněk Stehlík
Production designer Bohumil Pokorný
Music Zdeněk Liška
Sound designer Jiří Hora