This musical comedy is a second feature film by Ján Kadár and Elmar Klos, who wrote the screenplay in collaboration with Vratislav Blažek. Blažek, an author of musical films from the 1960s such as Starci na chmelu (Hop-Pickers, 1964) and Dáma na kolejích (The Lady of the Lines, 1966), created a story both adhering to the ideological demands of the dramaturgy department of the Barrandov studios of that era and to popular demand for a catchy spectacle. The protagonists of the feature are workers at the Mars wood processing plant who have so fallen for brass music that their orchestra even enchants the audience at a folk festival in Prague. Some of the musical sequences suggest the inspiration of Hollywood musicals despite the fact that the soundtrack is strongly fragmented. Apart from the popular actors of that era, Oldřich Nový – who since the 1950s had seldom had the opportunity to sing in a movie – shines in the role of composer Karas.
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