How to rent a film
Search for a title in the catalogue of films for screening. Find inspiration in the thematic selections.
For loan conditions and contacts, please see the section for each type of entity. You can also choose whether you want to rent a film print or a digital medium.
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film distribution offer
Which films to choose from?
terms of the loan
How, what and for how much?
Rental terms and ordering methods vary depending on the type of projection. Everything is subject to the general terms and conditions.
Film media and formats
We offer different media for each title from our catalogue of films for screening. How do they differ from each other and which medium is most suitable for the planned screening?
DCP playback requires the technology available in fully digital cinemas. This type of media is usually not suitable for projection outside cinema premises.
35 mm | 16 mm | 8 mm
We only rent film prints where the projection is in good technical condition and is operated by experienced people with a valid projectionist's licence. To project 35mm prints, the cinema must be equipped with two projectors for this format.
The film prints must be carefully cared for, so it is not possible to show the same print too often. We therefore consider each request to borrow a film print on an individual basis.
Blu-ray (BD)
Playing a movie from a Blu-ray disc requires special equipment designed specifically for this type of media. This can be available outside the cinema; some cinemas play Blu-ray discs.
The MP4 format is suitable for venues where digital projection is limited and a Blu-ray player is not available. These are mostly projections outside cinema premises.
For the full text of the conditions for the loan of film prints, see Chapter VII. General Terms and Conditions.
Screenings in the cinema
You can order digital media or 35mm film prints for most domestic feature films produced before 1991 for your cinema. We also offer a range of animation and documentary films. Please book your screenings at least ten days in advance.
Choose from our selection of films
Or write to us
Festival screening
You can order digital media or 35mm film prints for most feature films produced before 1991 for the festival or the showcase. We also offer a range of animation and documentary films.
Choose from our selection of films
Or write to us
We are happy to help you select films for your festival! We will discuss the conditions individually.
Would you like to use an excerpt of the work?
We provide film and non-film materials from our collection not only for public screenings, but also for exhibitions, permanent exhibitions, publications and as part of new audiovisual works. We help to find suitable materials and grant consent for use.
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