Research project investigators

Provider | Czech Film Fund |
Status | Ongoing |
Deadline | November 2024 |
The aim of the research project is to map the organisation and structure of the cinema network in the former East Bohemia Region.
The aim of the research project is to map the organisation and structure of the cinema network in the former East Bohemia Region. The chosen area will be studied in the period 1960-1990, when the screening venues were under the administration of local and municipal national committees and were subject to the supervision of district national committees, cinema administrations and regional film enterprises. The lower time limit corresponds to the emergence of a new regional structure, the upper one to the disintegration of the entire state-institutional apparatus and cinema operations as a result of the social changes of 1989. The chosen territorial unit of one of the eight historical regions serves as a case study. On its basis, it will be possible to form hypotheses about the shape of the cinema system in the whole area of the Czech regions. The territory of one region is large enough to enable drawing conclusions about the representation of different types of cinemas in the Czech regions, how their administration functioned, how distribution was organised, to what extent was the infrastructure centralised and how decentralized it was.